Nordquist Designs

Carbon Steel Pizza Slicer

Sale price Price $209.20 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Sculpted from carbon steel this heirloom pizza slicer packs some serious weight! This heavy pizza slicer effortlessly slices though even the thickest pizza crusts. Sculpted to fit into the palm of the hand, the inherent shape of the carbon steel body provides safety and functionality so one's hand does not slip during use. Designed to be completely dissembled for easy cleaning, the stainless steel blade is secured to the carbon steel body with a surgical grade stainless steel fastener. The simple nature of this pizza slicer makes it truly heirloom quality.



Handle width: 9.5mm

Wheel width: 70mm



To keep the edge fresh for pizza night, each heirloom pizza slicer includes a Canadian maple wheel guard. The guard secures itself to the wheel with two 3/8” rare earth magnets for a secure fit that is easy to remove.

Hand washed and oil regularly to maintain quality and longevity.