Nordquist Designs

***Deposit*** for Custom MagnaCut Knife & Saya

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***This is a 25% deposit for a custom MagnaCut knife and saya. The remaining 75% is due upon completion***


CPM MagnaCut is the latest and greatest in knife steels. It is formulated by metallurgist Dr. Larrin Thomas specifically as a cutlery steel. The first batch started shipping in spring 2021, since then it has been tough to get. I am fortunate enough to have secured 10 knives worth!

I will be offering these special blades as custom orders with matched sayas. I have Mike at OutCast Blanks standing by with maple burl handle and saya blanks ready to add the colours of your choice! If a stabilized handle isn’t your thing, no problem, I have (and can source) a variety of exotic hardwoods. The images below are some of my favourite knives from the past few months and serve as an example of what we could create! Bring me your ideas!

Each one of these custom knives and saya will be $1645 Canadian ($1300USD) including shipping within Canada and the United States. The largest blade I can make with the steel I have ordered is 240mm (9.5”)Because of the expense associated with acquiring the materials to producing these knives I am requiring a 25% non refundable deposit. I will start work on the blades in March and will be completed over the following five months (about two per month) with the earliest orders being completed first. The remaining 75% is due upon the completion of your knife.

Once your deposit order is place I will reach out by email (If Instagram DM is best for you please send me one when you place your order!) to discuss the details of your knife and saya.

I’m incredibly excited to work with each of you on these cutting edge (get it?!) knives!